Sure Success-Gangaram Hosp DNB qns |
Below are
the questions from the SIR GANGARAM HOSPITAL DNB WRITTEN TEST - 25.05.03
provided by some helpful doctors for the benefit of other students on one of
the message boards. Thanks for the same. The
questions for which answers can be found in Sure Success in PG Medical
Entrance 2nd edn. by Ramgopal, Jaypee Brothers Med Publishers, New
Delhi. along with reference page numbers are given alongside (SSPG)
to further emphasize the usefulness of this book. As
you can see below the answers for about 44 questions
(nearly 38% of the questions) can be found in this single book. SIR
based Qs. contributed by- Dr. Pankaj RK Prasad, Dr. Rashmi, Dr. Atul 1. All
are true about umbilical cord EXCEPT two
umbilical arteries/ one umbilical vein/ covered by chorion/ contains Wharton's
jelly Ans
C . SSPG2 (405) 2.
Double bubble sign is seen in--
duodenal atresia. SSPG2
(380). 3.
Fluid filled dilated oesophagus with no gas in stomach is seen in--
achalasia cardia SSPG2
(293) 4.
Portal vein is formed by joining of splenic vein with--
superior mesenteric vein SSPG2
(33) 5.
Uterus is formed by-- mullerian duct SSPG2
(28) 6.
Fallopian tube is formed by--
mullerian duct SSPG2
(29) 7.
Epoophoron is--
remnant of Wolffian duct SSPG2
(5) 8.
Thyroid develops from 2nd
pharyngeal pouch/ 3rd pharyngeal pouch/ thyroglossal duct 9.
Valve of Hasner is found in--
nasolacrimal duct/ Eustachian tube SSPG2
(351) 10. All
the muscles are supplied by 3rd cranial nerve EXCEPT--
superior oblique SSPG2
(323) 11.
Most common cause of angina not of vascular origin is--
aortic stenosis 12.
Carcinoid syndrome most commonly involves tricuspid
and pulmonary valve/ tricuspid and mitral valve 13.
Adrenaline in cardiac arrest should be given in the following concentration 1:1000/
1:10000/ 1:100000/ any concentration 14.
Treatment of choice in ventricular fibrillation is electrical
cardioversion/ lignocaine 15.
Which of the following arrhythmias is most commonly associated with syncope- atrial
fibrillation/ ventricular tachycardia/ complete A-V block 16.
Post thyroidectomy, right sided vocal cord paralysis is due to damage
of _______ nerve near
______ artery ·
recurrent laryngeal nerve, inferior thyroid
artery ·
recurrent laryngeal nerve, superior thyroid
artery 17.
Wrist drop is due to damage to radial nerve in upper arm/
wrist/ hand SSPG2
(310) 18.
Angiotensin converting enzyme is secreted in sarcoidosis/
miliary tuberculosis/ brucellosis/ none of the above Ans
A. SSPG Derm… (252) 19.
Hypercalcaemia in a malignant disease without secondaries, the primary
should be searched in breast/
liver/ pituitary 20.
True about seminoma is--
most common type of testicular tumour in undescended testis 21.
Treatment of choice for Paget’s disease of the breast--
biopsy and simple mastectomy 22.
Prominent U-wave is seen in hypokalaemia/
hyperkalaemia SSPG2
(191) 23.
U-shaped audiogram is seen in secretory
otitis media/ otosclerosis 24.
Malignant otitis extra is--
infectious disease SSPG2
(346) 25. A
non-healing ulcer on the side of the nose is most probably basal cell
carcinoma/ squamous cell carcinoma 26. During
pregnancy true is PBI is
increased/ thyroid binding capacity is increased 27.
During pregnancy true is GFR is
increased/ BUN is increased/ renal plasma flow is increased/ increased
creatinine clearance Ans
A, C, D SSPG2 (408) 28.
Healing of wound requires all EXCEPT copper/
zinc/ vitamin C/ calcium 29. In
syringomyelia sensation which is lost is pain and
temperature/ touch 30. In
a child having acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, which of the
following is not present oedema/
hypertension/ coffee coloured urine/ polyuria 31. PAN
does not involve peripheral
neuropathy/ lymphadenopathy/ glomerulonephritis/ fever and leucocytosis 32.
What is the difference between lymph node and tonsil presence
of sinuses/ presence of lining epithelium/ T cell/ B cell 33.
Which is the most appropriate indicator of sufficient ventilation pCO2=40%/
pCO2=80%/ pH=7.35/ SpO2=99% 34.
True about hepatitis D virus is--
associated with hepatitis B virus SSPG2
(218) 35.
Correct about Klebsiella pneumonia is involves
upper lobe/ involves middle lobe/ treatment with cloxacillin eradicates it 36.
Early step to prevent gas gangrene prophylactic
immunisation/ debridment/ hyperbaric oxygen 37.
Normal level of 24-hour urine protein--
150 mg 38.
Folic acid requirement during pregnancy 100/ 150/
300/ 500 39.
Best study in a hospital setup cohort/
case-control/ longitudinal/ cross sectional 40. The
age of the foetus with fused eyelids is 6 weeks to
6 months/ 2 to 9 months/ 7 to 9 months 41.
Most common manifestation of hypernatraemia is gastro-intestinal/
respiratory/ CNS 42.
Which of the following is not a bronchodilator atropine/
corticosteroid/ salbutamol/ theophylline 43.
Most important test for haemophilia BT/ CT/
PT/ PTT 44.
Hair on end appearance is seen in--
haemolytic anaemia SSPG2
(393) 45.
Mode of action of progesterone in decreasing dysmenorrhoea is inhibiting
oestrogen/ inhibiting ovulation/ increasing the pain threshold 46.
Pinpoint pupil, fever, and paralysis is due to--
pontine haemorrhage 47.
Megaloblastic anaemia does not manifest as macrocytic
anaemia/ pancytopenia/ aplastic anaemia/ thrombocytopenia 48.
Severe hypernatraemia in a child is treated by normal
saline/ 1.5% saline/ 3% saline/ sodium bicarbonate 49.
Whichever following is not used to test Down's syndrome AFP/ HCG/
oestriol/ progesterone Ans
D. SSPG2 (433) 50.
Turnover time of the water content of amniotic fluid is 1 hour/ 3
hours/ 24 hours 51.
After delivery, thrombosis of the uterine vessels occurs in immediately/
2 to 3 days/ 4 to 6 days 52.
Hyperprolactinaemia occurs in all EXCEPT hyperthyroidism/
hyperthyroidism/ phenothiazine therapy 53.
Sodium concentration in isotonic saline is 134/ 144/
154/ 164 mEq 54.
Primary amenorrhoea occurs in all EXCEPT--
PCOD 55.
In diabetes, antibodies against B-cell and glutamate transferase are seen in type 1/
type 2 DM 56.
Pheochromocytoma arises from--
chromaffin cells 57. All
are true about arrhenoblastoma EXCEPT ·
it is a masculinizing tumour ·
it starts from adrenal rest cells ·
recurs in 25% of the cases ·
occurs in 20-30 years age group SSPG2
(418) 58.
Argentaffinoma secretes--
serotonin 59.
Most important contributory factor for plasma osmolality is-- albumin 60.
Solitary biliary stone is mostly composed of cholesterol/
calcium bilirubinate/ pigments 61.
Prostaglandin is synthesised from essential
fatty acids/ nonessential fatty acids/ essential amino acids/ nonessential amino
acids 62. All
are synthesised in the body EXCEPT riboflavin/
thiamine/ cyanocobalamin/ vitamin K 63.
Which disease occurs in people eating maize as a staple diet--
Vit B1 deficiency/ pellagra 64. All
are correct about rickets EXCEPT cupping
and fraying/ bowing of the legs/ ground glass appearance/ craniotabes SSPG2
(395) 65.
feature of osteomalacia is--
looser's zone SSPG2
(395) 66.
Pseudo-paralysis occurs in vitamin C
deficiency/ vitamin D deficiency 67.
Phrenoderma occurs in--
vitamin a deficiency 68. Trop-T
is used to investigate acute
myocardial infarction/ LVF Ans
A. SSPG2 (76) 69. A
child with varicella infection presents with shingles, which viral infection
will not occur in later life in him pox/
herpes SSPG
derm…(219) 70. Which
of the following is a live vaccine polysaccharide
influenza vaccine/ varicella immunoglobulin 71. HLA
B27 is present in all EXCEPT seronegative
rheumatoid arthritis/ psoriatic arthritis/ ankylosing spondylitis 72. Carcinoma
that occurs in aniline dye workers--
bladder cancer SSPG2
(221) 73. CD4
marker is present in neutrophils/
lymphocytes/ RBC/ platelets SSPG2
(424) 74. Turners
syndrome is most commonly associated with coarctation
of aorta/ PDA/ VSD SSPG2
(434) 75. All
our true about tetralogy of Fallot EXCEPT right
sided aortic arch/ pulmonary oligaemia/ cardiomegaly/ dilated aorta SSPG2
(231) 76.
Most common eye manifestation of chloroquine is optic
neuritis/ retinopathy SSPG2
(333) 77.
Treatment of choice is for cerebral malaria--
quinine 78.
True about multiple myeloma is monoclonal
gammopathy/ Polyclonal gammopathy 79.
Which are the following is not destroyed by staphylococcal
exotoxin/ bacillary dysentery organism 80. Most
common infection after splenectomy gram
positive/ gram negative 81.
Fever one-day after operation is most probably due to complement
fixation test/ bone-marrow aspiration/ peripheral blood smear examination
chylomicrons 87. H.
pylori causes
pain/ effusion/ broken end of the bone
connects third and fourth ventricle ·
connects both lateral ventricles ·
3 cm long SSPG2 (75) 109.
CSF is formed mainly in
(295) 112.
Mode of action of soda lime used in anaesthesia
is-- to
absorb carbon dioxide
(226) 114.
Most suitable graft for an open wound is
SSPG2 (176) |