Sure Success - AIIMS May 03 questions

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In the AIIMS May 2003 exam, out of 200 questions, answers for 51 questions can be found in the book “Sure success in PG medical Entrance-2nd edn, by Ramgopal, Jaypee publishers, Delhi”, which effectively means that 51 questions have appeared from this book.

 The 51 questions and answers along with reference page numbers are given alongside (SSPG) to further emphasize the usefulness of this book and the motto -- “Maximum Information in Minimum Time”.


 1.  In triple screening test for Down's syndrome during pregnancy all of the following are included except.
1. Serum beta hCG 
2. Serum oestriol 
3. Maternal serum Alfa fetoprotein 
4. Acetyl cholinesterase
Ans 4. SSPG (433)


2.  Use of which of the following drug is contra-indicated in pregnancy. 
1. Digoxin 
2. Nigedipine 
3. Amoxycillin 
4. Ealapril 
Ans 4. SSPG(142).


3.  A perimanopausal lady with well differentiated adenocarcinoma of uterus has more than half myometrial invasion, vaginal metastasis and inguinal lymph node metastasis. She is staged as:
1. Stage III B 
2 Stage III C
3. Stage IV a 
4. Stage IV b 
Ans 4. SSPG(415).

4.  The following combination of agents are the most preferred for short day care surgeries 
1. Propofol, fentanyl, isoflurane 
2 Thiopentone sodium, morphine, halothane 
3. Ketamine, pethidine halothane 
4. Propofol, morphine, halothane 
Ans 1. SSPG(368,372).


5.  False sense of perception without any external object or stimulus is known as:
1. Illusion. 
2. Impulse.
4. Phobia.
Ans 3. SSPG (253)


6.  All of the following form radiolucent stones except:
1. Xanthine. 
2. Cysteine.
3. Allopurinol.
4. Orotic acid. 
Ans 2. SSPG (94).


7.  A 62 years old man with caracioma of lung presented to emergency department with respiratory distress. His EKG showed electrical alternans. The most likely diagnosis is :
1. Pneumothorax.
2. Pleural effusion.
3. Cardiac tamponade.
4. Constrictive pericarditis. 
Ans 3. SSPG (192).


8.  Which of the following is the commonest location of hypertensive hemorrhage?
1. Pons.
2. Thalamus.
3. Putamen/external capsule.
4. Cerebellum. 
Ans 3. SSPG (97).


9.  A high amylase level in pleural fluid suggests a diagnosis of : 
1. Tuberculosis 
2. Malignancy 
3. Rheumatoid arthritis 
4. Pulmonary infarction 
Ans 2. SSPG (204)


10.  Which of the following conditions is associated with Coomb's positive hemolytic anaemia: 
1. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. 
2. Progressive systemic sclerosis 
3. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
4. Polyarteritis nodosa.
Ans 3. SSPG (97).


11.  Which of the following marker in the blood is the most reliable indicator of recent hepatitis B- infection? 
1. HBsAg
2. lgG anti - HBs
3. lgM anti - HBc
4. lgM anti - HBe
Ans 3. SSPG (128).


12.  The risk of developing infective endocarditis is the least in a patient with: 
1. Small ventricular septal defect 
2. Severe aortic regurgitation. 
3. Severe mitral regurgitation 
4. Large atrial septal defect. 
Ans 4. SSPG (230).


13.  Streptococcal Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor. 
1. M protein 
2. Pyrogenic exotoxin 
3. Streptolysin O. 
4. Carbohydrate cell wall. 
Ans 2. SSPG (112).


14.  A 20 year old male had pain abdomen and mild fever followed by gastroenteritis. The stool examination showed presence of pus cells and RBCs on microscopy. The etiological agent responsible is most likely to be: 
1. Enteroinvasive E. coli. 
2. Enterotoxigenic E. coli. 
3. Enteropathiogenic E. coli. 
4. Enetroaggregative E. coli. 
Ans 1. SSPG (118)


15.  A man presents with fever and chills 2 weeks after a louse bite. There was a maculo-popular rash on the trunk which spread peripherally. The casue of this infection can be: 
1. Scurb typhus. 
2. Endemic typhus. 
3. Rickettsial pox. 
4. Epidemic typhus. 
Ans 2. SSPG (102).


16.  A patient in an ICU is on a CVP line. His blood culture shows growth of grain positive cocci which are catalase positive and coagulase negative. The most likely etiological agent is: 
1. Staplylococcus aureus 
2. Staplylococcus epidermidis 
3. Streptococcus pyogenes 
4. Enterococcus faecalis. 
Ans 2. SSPG (111).

 17.  A drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts less than 2 minutes and is usually associated with umbilical cord compression is called. 
1. Early declaration 
2. Late declaration 
3. Variable declaration 
4. Prolonged declaration 
Ans 3. SSPG(409).


18.  The administration of succinylocholine to a paraplegic patient led to the appearance of dysarrhythmias, conduction abnormalities and finally cardiac arrest. The most likely cause is:

1. Hypercalcemia 
2. Hyperkalemia 
3. Anaphylaxis 
4. Hyermagnesemia 
Ans 2. SSPG (373).


19.  Following spinal subarachnoid block patient a develop hypotension. This can be managed by the following means except.
1. Lowering the head end 
2. Administration of 100 ml of Ringers lacate before the block
3. Vascopressure drug like methoxamine 
4. Us of ionotrope like dopamine. 
Ans 4. SSPG (92).


20.  Following surgical removal of a firm nodular cancer swelling in the right breast and exploration of the right axilla, on examination the patient was found to have a winged right scapula. Most likely this could have occurred due to injury to the : 
1. Subscapular muscle 
2 Coracoid process of scapula 
3. Long thoracic nerve 
4. Circumflex scapular artery 
Ans 3. SSPG(35).


21.  Father to son inheritance is never seen in case of: 
1. Autosomal dominant inheritance 
2. Autosomal recessive inheritance 
3. X- linked recessive inheritance 
4. Multifactorial inheritance 
Ans 3. SSPG(433).


22.  Pin index system is a safety feature adopted in anaesthesia. Machines to prevent:
1. Incorrect attachment of anaesthesia machines.
2. Incorrect attachment of anaesthesia face masks.
3. Incorrect inhalation agent delivery.
4. Incorrect gas cylinder attachment.
Ans 4. SSPG(361).


23.  Which one of the following does not produce cyanosis in the first year of life. :
1. Atrial septal defect.
2. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
3. Truncus arteriosus.
4. Double outlet right ventricle.
Ans 1. SSPG(230).


24.  The usefulness of a screening test depends upon its :
1. Sensitivity.
2. Specificity.
3. Reliability.
4. Predictive value.
Ans 1. SSPG (194).

25.  A 24 year old female has flaccid bullae in the skin and oral erosions. Histopathology shows intraepidermal acantholytic blister.The most likely diagnosis is :
1. Pemphigoid.
2. Erythema multiforme.
3. Pemphigus vulgaris.
4. Dermatitis herpetiformis.
Ans 3. SSPG(242).


26.  The following drug is indicated in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor :
1. Ketoconazole.
2. Metronidazole.
3. Griseofulvin.
4. Chloroquine.
Ans 1. SSPG (246). Griseofulvin is not effective in pityriasis versicolor.


27.  All of the following are seen in rickets, except.
1. Bow legs.
2. Gunstock deformity.
3. Pot belly.
4. Cranio tabes.
Ans 2. SSPG psych, dermat , anes. Radio (141).


28.  A patient was administered epidural anaesthesia with 15ml 1.5% lignocaine with adrenaline for hernia surgery. He developed hypotension and respiratory depression within 3 minutes after administration of block. The commonest cause would be.
1. Allergy to drug administered.
2. Systemic toxicity to drug administered.
3. Patient got vasovagal shock.
4. Drug has entered the sub arachnoid space.
Ans 1. SSPG psych, dermat , anes (92).


29.  Which one of the following is the shortest acting intravenous analgesic :
1. Remifantanil.
2. Fentanyl.
3. Alfentanil.
4. Sufentanil.
Ans 1. SSPG (375).

30.  The treatment of choice for stage 1 cancer larynx is:
1. Radical Surgery.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.
4. Surgery followed by radiotherapy.
Ans 3. SSPG(357).


31.  Stapes footplate covers :
1. Round window.
2. Oval window.
3. Interior sinus tympani.
4. Pyramid.
Ans 2. SSPG(349).


32.  The following statements regarding Turner syndrome are true except.
1. Occurrence of Turner syndrome is influenced by material age.
2. Most patients have primary amenorrhoea.
3. Most patients have short stature.
4. Edema of hands and feet is an important feature during infancy.
Ans 1. SSPG(434).


33.  The Pin index code of Nitrous oxide is :
1. 2, 5.
2. 1,5.
3. 3,5.
4. 2,6.
Ans 3. SSPG(361).


34.  Which of the following hepatitis viruses is a DNA virus:
1. Hepatitis C virus.
2. Hepatitis B virus.
3. Delta agent.
4. Hepatitis E virus.
Ans 2. SSPG(217).


35.  Common ocular manifestation in Trisomy 13 is :
1. Capillary hemangioma.
2. Bilateral microphthalmos.
3. Neurofibroma.
4. Dermoid Cyst.
Ans 2. SSPG(434).


36.  A 60- years man presented with fatigue weight loss and heaviness in left hypochodrium for 6 months. The hemogram showed Hb 10 gm/dL, TLC 5 laks/mm3, platelet count 4 laks/mm3 , DLC; neutrophil 55%, lymphocytes 4% montocytes 2 % basophiles 6% metamyelocytes 10% myeloytes 18%, promyelocytes 2% and blasts 3%. The most likely cytogenetic abnormality in this case is :
1. t (8; 21).
2. t (9; 22).
3. t (15; 17).
4. trisomy 21.
Ans 2. SSPG(207).


37.  On sectioning of an organ at the time of autopsy, a focal, wedge-shaped firm area is seen accompanied by extensive hemorrhage, with a red appearance. The lesion has a base on the surface of the organ. This finding is typically of :
1. Lung with pulmonary thromboembolism.
2. Heart with coronary thrombosis.
3. Liver with hypovolemic shock.
4. Kidney with septic embolus.
Ans 1. SSPG(388).


38.  Upper GI endoscopy and biopsy from lower esophagus in a 48 year old lady with chronic heart burn shows presence of columner epithelium with goblet. The feature is most likely consistent with :
1. Dysplasia.
2. Hyperplasia.
3. Carcinoma in-situ.
4. Metaplasia.
Ans 4 . SSPG(293).


39.  A 40-year-old man has a chronic cough with fever for several months. The chest radiograph reveals a diffuse reticulonodular pattern. Microscopically on transbronchial biopsy there are focal areas of inflammation containing epithelioid cell granuloma, Langhans giant cells, and lymphocytes. These findings are typical for which of the following type of hypersensitivity immunologic responses :
1. Type-I.
2. Type-II.
3. Type-III.
4. Type-IV.
Ans 4. SSPG(100).


40.  A 12 year old girl complains of pain persisting in his left leg. For several weeks with a low grade fever. A radiograph reveals a mass in the diaphyseal region of the left femur with overlying cortical erosion and soft tissue extension. A biopsy of the lesion shows numerous small round cells, rich in PAS positive diastase sensitive granules. The most likely histological diagnosis is :
1. Osteogenic sarcoma.
2. Osteoblastoma.
3. Ewing's sarcoma.
4. Chondroblastoma.
Ans 3. SSPG(319).


41.  The ideal muscle relaxant used for a neonate undergoing porto-enterostomy for biliary atresia is :
1. Altracurium.
2. Vecuronium
3. Pancuronium.
4. Rocuronium.

Ans 1. SSPG(374).


42.  Sodium 2-mercapto ethance sulfonate (mesna) is used as a protective agent in :
1. Radiotherapy.
2. Cancer chemotherapy.
3. Lithotrypsy.
4. Hepatic encephalopathy.
Ans 2. SSPG(150).


43.  In a young patient who had extensive soft tissue and muscle injury, which of these muscle relaxants used for endotracheal intubation might lead to cardiac arrest :
1. Atracurium.
2. Suxamethonium.
3. Vecuronium.
4. Pancuronium.
Ans 2. SSPG(373).


44.  All the following cephalosporins having good activity against Pseudomonas aerugenosa except :
1. Cephadroxil.
2. Cefepime.
3. Cefoperazone.
4. Ceftazidime.
Ans 1. SSPG(147,126).


45.  The treatment of choice in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is :
1. Haloperidol.
2. Imipramine.
3. Methylphenidate.
4. Alprazolam.
Ans 3. SSPG(261).


46.  The following is a Schneider's first rank symptom :
1. Persecutory delusion.
2. Voices commenting on actions.
3. Delusion of guilt.
4. Incoherence.
Ans 2. SSPG(255).


47.  Yawning is a common feature of 
1. Alcohol withdrawal 
2. Cocaine withdrawal 
3. Cannabis withdrawal
4. Opioid withdrawal 
Ans 4. SSPG(267).


48.  Surface ectoderm gives rise to all of the following structures except.
1. Lens 
2. Corneal epithelium 
3. Conjunctival epithelium 
4. Anterior layers of iris.
Ans 4. SSPG(322).


49.  The level of alpha fetoprotein is raised in all of the following except. 
1. Cirrohosis of liver.
2. Hepatocellur carcinoma 
3. Yolksac tumor
4. Dysgerminoma 
Ans 3. SSPG(214).


50.  Hypocalcaemia characterized by all except.
1. Numbness and tingling of circumoral region. 
2. Hyperactive tendon reflexes and positive Chvostek's sign. 
3. Shortening of Q-T interval in ECG.
4. Carpopedal spasm 
Ans 3. SSPG(191).


51.  Which of the following not true of gas gangrene.
1. It is caused by clostridium perfringens 
2. Clostridium Perfringens is a gram-negative spore-bearing bacillus.
3. Gas gangrene is characterized by severe local pain crepitus and signs of toxemia. 
4. High dose penicillin and aggressive debridement of affected tissue is the treatment of established infection.
Ans 2. SSPG(121).

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